Last quarter service trends: Haven sets new record in number of survivors served
Last quarter marked the first time Haven has served more than 400 survivors in a single quarter, a new record according to our internal service numbers. This new record number of survivors served also significantly exceeds the quarterly average of the past two years.
Source: Haven internal service numbers.
“That's quite a bit of a jump in the last quarter,” said Haven director of programs Kareena, adding that this is a testament to Haven advocates who answer the 24-hour support line and work with residents at Haven’s shelter.
Also up dramatically last quarter – 71 percent up from our quarterly average in the past two years – was the number of what we call “total bed nights” – the number of safe nights provided to survivors and their children. This big increase is a function of not only Haven’s increased capacity to shelter survivors at The Barnard Center, but also of Bozeman’s recent population growth and related housing crisis. (Read more in this blog post and in this op-ed with local partners.)
Source: Haven internal service numbers.
Your impact when you support Haven is here in these numbers – it translates to support for record numbers of survivors last quarter. We’re grateful to this community and to our partners for continuing to invest in supporting survivors of domestic abuse, sex trafficking, stalking, and sexual assault here in Gallatin Valley.